October Card Class and I'm back from Italy!

Hello!  As I posted in my last message, I am having a Card Class in October.  You can see all the details in the previous post.  I do want to let everyone know that the Sunday session is FULL.  There are still a few seats in the Friday evening session, so if you are interested in the class then, let me know ASAP!  You can email me at Sue@WeLoveToStamp.com.  If you've signed up for class, be sure to send your $25 payment to hold your spot.

Okay, now I want to show you some pictures from our trip to Italy!  We had a fantastic time, we did and saw so much, it was almost overwhelming!  And 1200 photos later, yikes!  Only 300 of those were mine, Bob tends to take lots and lots and lots more than I do...

Here are some favorites:

 In front of the Colosseum - this place is HUGE!

 Standing in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican

 Tuscany - just as I imagined it, only more beautiful!

 Overlooking the town of Cassis, in France.

Positano, a town on the Amalfi Coast of Italy

We also had stops in Palma Mallorca, Spain and Barcelona, Spain.  Be happy I just showed you .4% of our pictures!  If you're really lucky, you'll be invited over for the 5 hour slide show - just kidding...  It really was a trip of a lifetime, I am very blessed!

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